What we do

We offer a continuously updated product catalog in step with market innovation

Step 1


We are one of the first Italian companies to support clients in implementing Enablement for Digital Transformation projects.

Step 2


We have at our disposal a product portfolio that allows us to find the tailored solutions for the entire product and software life cycle.

Step 3


Thanks to the certifications of our employees, we are able to offer continuous after-sales support.

Step 4


We carry out our work with perseverance and passion. Our clients call us pioneers of new and innovative technologies in IT.

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We deliver modern solutions for successful Digital Companies.

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Banking & Insurance: Innovation and User-Centric Strategy

The Finance sector (Banking and Insurance) is constantly evolving, catering to an increasingly demanding and sophisticated customer. Multichannel digital services must ensure a simple user experience and fast, effective onboarding.

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Energy & Utilities: Services Sharing for Business

Green sustainability and attention to customer energy needs are at the heart of the strategies of major market players. The new paradigms focus on the cloud, interoperability, and maximizing the customer experience.

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Public Administration: PDND and Interoperability

Here is the new model of citizen services: multichannel, digital, always accessible. Open data, but also security and interoperability. The European model, the European Interoperability Framework, has paved the way for weModI. The journey to the cloud and IT modernization from Java and .NET to Microservices are essential.

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Fashion, Retail, Grocery: Advanced E-commerce and Customer Retention

User-centric, onboarding, and a scalable, integrated service offering. Enter a virtual store easily and quickly, be guided through the purchase process, and securely purchase products and services, including those of third parties – not just e-commerce!

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Defense & Aerospace: Collaboration and Traceability on Strategic Projects

In the era of Digital Transformation, IoT, and Industry 4.0, the need to bring together different skills and branches of Software and Systems Engineering is strategic. Requirements and Traceability to Configuration and Variant Management, Risk Management, Safety, Testing, Compliance, System Modeling, Software Engineering.

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Automotive & Manufacturing

Software has permeated every aspect of our cars. Traceability, governance, and application security are essential, and writing requirements on Excel sheets is no longer acceptable.

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IT & Software Development

From DevSecOps toolchains to no-code solutions to optimize IT resources and shorten an increasingly shorter time to market. Digital Adoption Platforms are becoming more widespread to bridge the gaps in remote work.

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Customer-centric, by design. In application design – from access to usage to payment – every step is strategic for customer retention and ensuring a scalable and integrated service offering.

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They chose us

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Discover digital events, webinars, roadshows, tech videos and stay in touch with us to find out about all of Profesia's initiatives

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Our partners


"We carry out our work with perseverance and passion,
in 3 words we are smart, funny, nerdy."

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