Requirements traceability and standard compliance in regulated markets

In the era of Digital Transformation, IoT, Industry 4.0, the need to bring together different skills and branches of engineering has now mandatory.
The governance of the full application lifecycle and a holistic, multidisciplinary approach that coordinates all engineering disciplines are required to embrace automation, standardization, virtualisation and cloud. 
This approach guarantees a highly agile, reliable, high-performance and secure business support architecture in a short timeframe. 

Profesia helps organizations operating in regulated markets with process improvement, training and tool integration projects. Topics range from Requirements Management and Traceability to Configuration and Variant Management, Sw & System Modelling and Model Versioning, Risk Management, Safety, Testing, Compliance, Software Engineering

Services: Profesia has a pragmatic and proven method, by establishing a goal-sharing approach.


Basic services:

  • Installation & Configuration

  • QuickStart (Training-on-the-job)

  • Proof Of Concept

  • User support (AMS with SLA)


Specialized services:

  • Assessment of development processes

  • Web and mobile application performance

  • Residual risk analysis

  • Security flaws in mobile apps


Tecnologie di riferimento

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