The information on this page is provided in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679, to those who use the web services of the companies of Lynx Group S.p.A.

Ownership of data processing

The data controller is the companies of the Lynx Spa Group with registered office in via G. B. Ricci, 6 35131 Padova, Italy, which may entrust third parties with the processing of specific data, in order to achieve the purposes set forth in this information notice.

Further information regarding the processing carried out on one's own data may be requested electronically at the following address:

Data Collected - Purpose -Duration Of Retention

As part of their activities, Lynx Group companies may acquire different types of data for different purposes:

  • By freely accessing the institutional online pages you will have the opportunity to view all publicly accessible content as well as to request information regarding our services through the appropriate form. Contact data will be used only to answer the question asked and subsequently deleted, unless the data subject has provided appropriate consents that may be required for other processing.
  • Applications submitted online through the appropriate section on the sites will be evaluated by the appropriate office and, if deemed of interest, the candidate will be contacted. However, Lynx Group companies are not required to provide feedback following the submission of an application. Information about candidates deemed of interest, where not hired, will be retained for up to two years after receipt.
  • It is possible to indicate a mailbox to which to send the Newsletter containing official communications regarding new products, events or initiatives organized by Lynx Group companies. The provision of such email is optional and the user, by communicating the email, simultaneously provides consent to its use. This consent can be revoked at any time with the appropriate function at the bottom of the communications.
  • Whenever a user participates in a course or event organized by Lynx Group companies, he or she must provide the data required for registration. The data requested are those strictly necessary and their partial, incorrect or failure to provide them will make it impossible to grant the request. Should the event be organized in collaboration with a partner, the information collected will be shared with the partner in order to ensure the smooth running of the event.  They will also be registered in the appropriate computer platforms used to manage registrations, to whose privacy policy reference is made. The subscriber will subsequently receive at the indicated mailbox the material related to the event and will be updated about products, services and other events related exclusively to the same topic. The user can proceed at any time to unsubscribe from the mailing list using in full autonomy the appropriate function at the bottom of the communications.
  • Photo and video recording during online or in-person events: all of our events, whether online or in-person, are recorded or immortalized with photographs for later dissemination on our institutional communication channels, subject to appropriate video editing. By accessing the physical or virtual room, the person concerned automatically provides consent to the processing of his or her data (including the image). Regarding online events we remind that the data subject can independently manage the audio video settings and avoid intervening in any confrontations or debates so as not to be immortalized. In general for all events we remind that the data subject still has the right to have access to the material, request a restriction on its use and revoke consent to the use of his or her image by contacting: Photos and videos, will be kept in our digital archives as a record of the company's activities over the years.
  • Navigation data. The computer systems and software procedures used to operate this website acquire, during their normal operation, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols. For more information, please refer to the appropriate cookie policy. 


All data disclosed within the scope of the purposes identified above will be shared with the staff of Lynx Group companies on an as-needed basis and will be shared with partner companies in event management or with the IT platforms that enable the delivery of the service (be it newsletter or online event).

There are no plans to send any data abroad except for the storage of data linked to computer applications that could be used for the management of digital processes (e.g. Eventbrite) to whose privacy please refer.


As a reminder, under Chapter III of GDPR 679/2016, the data subject has the right to:

  • Request access to their personal data and ask for their rectification, erasure or restriction of processing.
  • Know the purposes of the processing, the categories of data processed, the recipients to whom the data is disclosed, and the storage period.
  • Withdraw consent at any time, remembering the consequences of such a choice
  • Request the deletion of data that were no longer necessary for the purpose for which they were collected,
  • Object to the processing of profiling or direct marketing
  • Exposing a complaint to the Privacy Authority.
  • To know the subjects to whom personal data may be disclosed and to check the extract of existing contracts with these subjects.

To exercise these rights, request clarification and report

Ricordiamo che in base al capo III del regolamento GDPR 679/2016 l’interessato ha diritto a:

  • Richiedere l’accesso ai propri dati personali e chiederne la rettifica, la cancellazione o la limitazione del trattamento.
  • Conoscere le finalità del trattamento, le categorie di dati trattati, i destinatari cui i dati vengono comunicati, il periodo di conservazione.
  • Revocare il consenso in qualsiasi momento ricordando le conseguenze di tale scelta
  • Richiedere la cancellazione dei dati che non fossero più necessari allo scopo per il quale erano stati raccolti,
  • Opporsi al trattamento di profilazione o marketing diretto
  • Esporre un reclamo all’autorità Garante privacy.
  • Conoscere i soggetti ai quali i dati personali possono essere comunicati e verificare l’estratto dei contratti in essere con tali soggetti.

To exercise these rights, request clarifications and report changes, please contact the above address.