Protect apps from reverse engineering, tampering, API exploits and other attacks. Application Protection's proprietary protection features protect apps from reverse engineering, tampering, API exploits and other attacks that can put your business, customers and profits at risk.
By 2022, at least 50 percent of successful clickjacking and mobile app attacks could have been prevented using in-app protection, according to Gartner's Market Guide to In-App Protection.
Explore the official website and come back for a high level consultancy.
The importance of security
Unprotected app vulnerabilities impact organizations across all industries and around the world. Download Aite Group's research to assess how widespread app vulnerabilities are. It takes an average of only 8.5 minutes to crack the apps analyzed in the study.
- Comprehensive code protection
- Obfuscates source code, inserts honeypots and implements other deceptive code patterns to deter threat authors
- Activates automatic defensive measures if suspicious activity is detected
- Injects essential app code protections without interrupting the DevOps process - ENCRYPT
- Reverse engineering, debugging and code tampering
- Encryption key detection and API manipulation
- Financial fraud or theft of credentials, data and IP
- Malware insertion, spoofing and data exfiltration
-Fraud or piracy of games, apps or digital content - PREVENT
- Application Protection stops reverse engineering, debugging and code tampering
- Encryption key detection and API manipulation
- Financial fraud or theft of credentials, data
- Malware insertion, spoofing and data exfiltration
- Fraud or piracy of games, apps or digital content
IT Security team that needs to reduce the risks of malicious attacks towards any web, desktop, hybrid, or mobile application.
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